Friday, February 6, 2009


You know, President Obama is right. The same old tired policies that our country has used for the past 225 years has got us into this fine mess! What is that policy you may ask? Controlled government spending. Reliance on the private sector. And look at the last 8 years under bush.
The government spent billions on the wars, sending contracts to US corporations, hiring young men and women to serve in the military, etc. We need something new!

President Obama's plan is to spend hundreds of billions and trillions! Now, that is change I can believe in! Not paltry billions like bush.

Now, we will see a real government spend real money! Think of how patriotic we will all be as we pay more taxes! Think of how patriotic you will feel when you know that the company you work for is actually owned by our government under the direction of our esteemed President Obama! In the world as you grow up and leave home, who is there to put their arms around you, to hold you and comfort you? Now, our President and his government will spread their ever enlarging, comforting arms around you. You will be safe and protected. You will be at home in their house! One big family. No dysfunction as all is OK with our wonderful President and government.

Remember, the children are our future! They will find a way to pay for all of this spending. The evil Republicans have no faith in our childrens' abilities to pay the debt we are incurring. They do not believe that our children should work those long hours for less pay to settle our debt. I stand with our President! Our children will slave. They will suffer! They will endure! They will march together, singing songs of praise to the great Obama, into the fine future of continued service to our government! Hooray for Obama!

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