Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It is about time that we the people say "Enough!" Too many people are earning way too much money. It is obscene the amount of money some people earn. Whether it is from their hard work or their investments, it just doesn't seem right. As Obama says, a maximum of $500,000/yr seems more than enough for anyone! We all pay for the rich to get richer. Hopefully, Obama will make this the law of the land, so no one can earn any more than that! We can then have a real democracy. No more will the rich be able to say "We pay 80% of the taxes!" Nosiree! We can all get a piece of that action! And just think how much cheaper will be the tickets for sporting events if a franchise player can earn only 500k! What about the extra money you ask? Well, that will just have to be divvied up among all the rest of us, but we should let the government do that because they are the best at handling money. No more envy of the rich! Bye bye rich people! Hooray for Obama!

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