Thursday, February 12, 2009


Another ungrateful Republican has betrayed our great President Obama. It was Gregg's job to oversee the Census as Commerce Secretary (with the help and guidance of the White House). Obviously, Gregg thought he was so wonderful that he didn't need President Obama's help to do the census. Now, that is just silly! How can he possibly count all the people without President Obama making sure that everyone is counted. If you doubt that our President can attend to all his duties and also make sure that everyone is counted properly, I have one thing to say to you: Yes He Can!!!!! The census is the most important issue facing us at this time! Except for the economy. And the war in Iraq. And the war in Afghanistan. And the crisis in Iran. And North Korea. And the Middle East. And finding a few good people to be in the cabinet. And the housing crisis. And Wall Street. And consumer confidence. And energy independence. And health care. And the auto industry. And a woman with octuplets.

Well, now that we are rid of that Republican, we can get a democrat in that position and we won't need the White House to oversee the census. I think this was part of our great President's secret plan. Hooray for Obama!

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