Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am sorry. I must give my opinion today. After the debacle where Tom Daschle was forced to step away from his cabinet post by the overzealous Republicans, some things must be said.

Republicans are racists.

1. Do you think they would have gone after Daschle if he were black like Charlie Rangel?
2. Finally, with Eric Holder we have an African-American in the cabinet. Unlike Bush who had people like Condeleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Alphonso Jackson, and Roderick Paige. These people had black skin but were not African-Americans. They worked for a Republican. Some were Republican. So, by definition, they were not Black! They do not know the Black experience of centuries of slavery and oppression. Only Obama and his followers know that!
3. Republicans continue to place white people in prominent positions to this day. Michael Steele, Chair of the RNC, is clearly white. If he were black, he would be a Democrat. Candidates like Lynn Swann are white.
4. Republicans who refused to vote for Obama were clearly racist. Even my 93 year old aunt pointed that out to me.
5. What ever has the Republican Party ever done for the black people? Abraham Lincoln was secretly a Democrat. The southern white Democrats after the civil war who continued to promote segregation were secretly Republicans. Lyndon Johnson, who created the poverty in the inner cities with broken homes through his Great Society social welfare program was secretly a Republican.
6. The Republicans are also anti-semitic. Look what they did to Joe Lieberman! Once, he was a Jewish Democrat. The next thing you know, he is agreeing with Bush about foreign policy and is siding with McCain in the election. He is now officially a Christian, because you cannot be a real Jew and be a Republican. It is against your nature!

There! I have finally got that off my chest. Oh, yes. Hooray for Obama!

1 comment:

  1. were not paying attention to Hillary and Bill and especially how racist they were during the primary.
