Thursday, February 12, 2009


Another ungrateful Republican has betrayed our great President Obama. It was Gregg's job to oversee the Census as Commerce Secretary (with the help and guidance of the White House). Obviously, Gregg thought he was so wonderful that he didn't need President Obama's help to do the census. Now, that is just silly! How can he possibly count all the people without President Obama making sure that everyone is counted. If you doubt that our President can attend to all his duties and also make sure that everyone is counted properly, I have one thing to say to you: Yes He Can!!!!! The census is the most important issue facing us at this time! Except for the economy. And the war in Iraq. And the war in Afghanistan. And the crisis in Iran. And North Korea. And the Middle East. And finding a few good people to be in the cabinet. And the housing crisis. And Wall Street. And consumer confidence. And energy independence. And health care. And the auto industry. And a woman with octuplets.

Well, now that we are rid of that Republican, we can get a democrat in that position and we won't need the White House to oversee the census. I think this was part of our great President's secret plan. Hooray for Obama!


Say it isn't so! Oh no! Why aren't the members of the House and Senate listening to our great President Obama? He said the bill was good and trying to improve it would be wrong. It needed to be passed. It had no pork! And now, look what is happening! The members of the Senate and House are working to change this fine bill! Why won't they listen to our President? It is now down to $789 Billion. Where did the other $100 Billion go? As the original bill had no pork in it, we have had a loss of a large component of the wonderful and good that could have been done. How dare these legislators mess with something so good as the bill that President Obama wanted them to pass!

Now, when the stimulus package gets passed and doesn't work as expected, we can only blame the senators and congressmen. It won't be the fault of our great President Obama. He did his best, but could not stop them from messing it up! We will need more from the government. More billions. Please, President Obama. I do have a bedroom and a bathroom, but I need more! I know if you were here you would hug me! Hooray for Obama!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Now that it looks like we will have the stimulus package, I thought I would check and see how it will effect our country. You cannot spend money without having money, so the government will have to have 1 trillion dollars to spend. It costs 6 cents to print a one dollar bill, so the total cost to print one trillion dollars will be $60,000,000,000.00

This is the company that makes the cloth from which money is printed. They have 1300 employees and make 356 million dollars/yr, or $273,000 per employee.

As I see it, Crane & Co. will have a good year this next year. This Massachusetts based company will clearly benefit from the stimulus package! Hooray for Obama!

Monday, February 9, 2009


I am suspending posting on this blog until I find out if I will be one of the chosen ones to get mucho dinero from the trillion dollar stimulus package. I ask for little. I would settle for 1 millionth of the package. That tiny amount is all I ask for. Please, Mr. President!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Thank goodness a few intelligent Republicans are siding with the Democrats to get President Obama's stimulus package approved.

Before President Obama, the common thought was that capitalism was better than socialism because people could sell and buy things from each other and there would then be money left over to give to the government to protect us and to maintain our infrastructure of roads, courts, etc. Now, thanks to President Obama, we know better.

Just look at the dollars in your wallet. What do you see? That's right, the words "United States of America". All the money actually comes from the government, so whenever we need money, all we have to do is ask our government to print more of it. That is why the trillion dollar stimulus package will cost us nothing. It is because all money comes from the government anyhow. They have all the money and can give it to us whenever they want to. All they need to do is power up the printing presses and there it is!

We can be just like the secretary of the treasury and not pay taxes because the government doesn't need it. We can not work because the government can pay us anyways. It really doesn't matter, since the government has all the money it ever will need and can give it to us whenever we want some. It is like the bank of dad when we were growing up. Just ask papa Obama and you got it!

Since the government has unlimited money, I think it is about time for President Obama to open his wallet and buy up all the businesses and real estate in the USA. Then we will have a country where the government owns everything. If there is a worry about too much cash in circulation, he can just raise taxes and get the money back into the government.

Then, the government under our great president Obama can run everything, and we need not worry about any corruption in the private sector because there will no longer be a private sector. Our wonderful President can then make sure that everyone earns the same amount of money. Everything can be free, with the government providing everything for us from its printing presses, churning out money whenever we need it.

It is amazing to me that no one before our great President Obama figured this out! Hooray for Obama!

Friday, February 6, 2009


It has come to my attention that there is an unbeliever out there! I find that totally incredible. Who is he to question the great Obama? This is his blog site:

Whenever I am in the need of a good laugh, I go there. He is totally clueless about our great leader! Hooray for Obama!


You know, President Obama is right. The same old tired policies that our country has used for the past 225 years has got us into this fine mess! What is that policy you may ask? Controlled government spending. Reliance on the private sector. And look at the last 8 years under bush.
The government spent billions on the wars, sending contracts to US corporations, hiring young men and women to serve in the military, etc. We need something new!

President Obama's plan is to spend hundreds of billions and trillions! Now, that is change I can believe in! Not paltry billions like bush.

Now, we will see a real government spend real money! Think of how patriotic we will all be as we pay more taxes! Think of how patriotic you will feel when you know that the company you work for is actually owned by our government under the direction of our esteemed President Obama! In the world as you grow up and leave home, who is there to put their arms around you, to hold you and comfort you? Now, our President and his government will spread their ever enlarging, comforting arms around you. You will be safe and protected. You will be at home in their house! One big family. No dysfunction as all is OK with our wonderful President and government.

Remember, the children are our future! They will find a way to pay for all of this spending. The evil Republicans have no faith in our childrens' abilities to pay the debt we are incurring. They do not believe that our children should work those long hours for less pay to settle our debt. I stand with our President! Our children will slave. They will suffer! They will endure! They will march together, singing songs of praise to the great Obama, into the fine future of continued service to our government! Hooray for Obama!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It is about time that we the people say "Enough!" Too many people are earning way too much money. It is obscene the amount of money some people earn. Whether it is from their hard work or their investments, it just doesn't seem right. As Obama says, a maximum of $500,000/yr seems more than enough for anyone! We all pay for the rich to get richer. Hopefully, Obama will make this the law of the land, so no one can earn any more than that! We can then have a real democracy. No more will the rich be able to say "We pay 80% of the taxes!" Nosiree! We can all get a piece of that action! And just think how much cheaper will be the tickets for sporting events if a franchise player can earn only 500k! What about the extra money you ask? Well, that will just have to be divvied up among all the rest of us, but we should let the government do that because they are the best at handling money. No more envy of the rich! Bye bye rich people! Hooray for Obama!


I am sorry. I must give my opinion today. After the debacle where Tom Daschle was forced to step away from his cabinet post by the overzealous Republicans, some things must be said.

Republicans are racists.

1. Do you think they would have gone after Daschle if he were black like Charlie Rangel?
2. Finally, with Eric Holder we have an African-American in the cabinet. Unlike Bush who had people like Condeleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Alphonso Jackson, and Roderick Paige. These people had black skin but were not African-Americans. They worked for a Republican. Some were Republican. So, by definition, they were not Black! They do not know the Black experience of centuries of slavery and oppression. Only Obama and his followers know that!
3. Republicans continue to place white people in prominent positions to this day. Michael Steele, Chair of the RNC, is clearly white. If he were black, he would be a Democrat. Candidates like Lynn Swann are white.
4. Republicans who refused to vote for Obama were clearly racist. Even my 93 year old aunt pointed that out to me.
5. What ever has the Republican Party ever done for the black people? Abraham Lincoln was secretly a Democrat. The southern white Democrats after the civil war who continued to promote segregation were secretly Republicans. Lyndon Johnson, who created the poverty in the inner cities with broken homes through his Great Society social welfare program was secretly a Republican.
6. The Republicans are also anti-semitic. Look what they did to Joe Lieberman! Once, he was a Jewish Democrat. The next thing you know, he is agreeing with Bush about foreign policy and is siding with McCain in the election. He is now officially a Christian, because you cannot be a real Jew and be a Republican. It is against your nature!

There! I have finally got that off my chest. Oh, yes. Hooray for Obama!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am sick and tired of people saying that President Obama is delivering "politics as usual" just because he is appointing people who are lobbyists and tax evaders. I ask you, how many cabinet members in the Bush White House were tax evaders? None! Precisely my point. It is not politics as usual! It is the new politics! Hooray for Obama!

Lets talk about something really important. Under our new president, people do not need to wear their suit jackets in meetings. Now that is change! Hooray for Obama!

Another milestone, thanks to our great president. Mr. Holder is strongly opposed to any form of torture of prisoners. This is wonderful news for anyone planning to become an enemy of America. The fact that torture could not be performed would definitely be a plus for recruiting. Knowing that there would be a friend at the highest levels of government would be a great relief, should there be things that the terrorist would not want to reveal. Our great president is showing an open hand to all, friend and foe alike! Certainly, with this approach, our enemies will now stop doing bad things to us, like beheading journalists or suicide bombings. Finally, our lives will be safer thanks to our kinder and gentler treatment of prisoners. Hooray for Obama!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Breaking with tradition, President Obama says that the peaceful election in Iraq indicates more stability and therefore could lead to decreased US troops in Iraq within the year. This is another sign of the greatness of our new president! When peace comes to a land that we have freed from the clutches of a ruthless dictator, the very concept of calling our troops home is such a break from the past. What other president would ever have done that? And the peacefulness of the election can only be due to one thing: Obama being our President! I imagine that General Petraeus wants to take some of the credit, but face it. This election occurred on President Obama's watch and can only be due to his greatness. If only Obama could have been President 4 years ago, there would have been a peaceful election then!

On another note, it is quite refreshing to have the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers acknowledge the great impact President Obama had on the Steeler's victory. As are many of you, I believe that without President Obama at the helm, the Steelers would never have been able to win. In my minds eye I see our President twirling his terrible towel as Holmes made that miraculous 4th quarter endzone catch! Hooray for Obama!