Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Another victory for Obama! He is going to help combat global warming and will keep our world and country green by funding ACORN. Much as Johnny Appleseed spread apples across the northeast (did you know that I had a rogue apple tree in my back yard in New Kensington, PA which legend has it was planted by the one and only Johnny Appleseed?), Obama will spread oak trees by planting acorns. Why Republicans are against spending 5 billion dollars for new oak trees is a puzzle to me! Its not as if oak trees can vote democrat, for gosh sakes!,0,4394503.story

It just keeps getting better and better! It turns out that President Obama will be rooting for the Steelers, a team that believes in the old school fundamentals of hard work, long practices, no excuses for defeat, pride in victory, long term committments, and the rugged individualism that built our country. The Steelers were immortalized in the Charlie Daniel's song touting the strength and resistance of Americans to foreign intervention and terrorism. However, since Obama has ended the war on terror, we need not think of the Steelers and their fans in that way anymore. Steeler fans can now drink lattes! Hooray for Obama!!!

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