Saturday, January 31, 2009


The middle class is in trouble and President Obama is going to help! He will cut mortgage costs to 4%. Oh, wait. That is the Republican plan. Well, he does have a plan, and you will just have to trust him. Yes, he can!

And, speaking about trust, President Obama has another plan to help us members of the middle class. Its called tax evasion. Yes, this used to be illegal, but is now OK, as long as you don't get caught or as long as you don't want to apply for some high profile government job. Then, you may have to pay up. Tax evasion would save all of us in the middle class a lot of money! If it is good enough for Mr. Obama's treasury secretary, it is good enough for us members of the long suffering middle class. Thank you, Mr. President! Hooray for Obama!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

1.30.09 Part 2

Official endorsement of the Steelers by President Obama! Some say it is because the owners of the Cardinals supported McCain. Some say it is because Dan Rooney donated a lot of money to the Obama campaign. Some say it is because of the campaigning done for candidate Obama by prominent members of the Steeler organization. But I believe that President Obama is backing the Steelers because it is time for change, time for a team with color to win. You have to go back to 2001 until you get a team other than the Steelers with black as part of the uniform that won a Superbowl (Baltimore Ravens). Most teams use other colors (blue, white, red) but seem to ignore black. Why? Racism? The Steelers dress in black. It is the year of the first black president! Since we have no gold colored people, this can be the only answer. Go Obama! Go Steelers! Go Black (and gold)!


President Obama has chastised Wall Street financial institutions for spending their money. If these companies have so much money that they want to spend it, shouldn't they give it to the government so President Obama can spend it for all of us? No one should have their own money. That is just ridiculous! After all, it is the government after all that prints the money, so it really belongs to all of us, right? I am with our great president! If you have any money and are thinking of spending it, for God's sake, just send it to our President. He has many great ideas for spending it. Keep it out of the hands of the private businesses. It is your patriotic duty. P.S. you can keep your change. Its all about change!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Thanks to President Obama, women now will be paid the same as if they were men. The law also includes a provision that men will have to learn to gossip and snipe about coworkers at work as often as women do.

[Hey, you can't have a great post every day!]

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Another victory for Obama! He is going to help combat global warming and will keep our world and country green by funding ACORN. Much as Johnny Appleseed spread apples across the northeast (did you know that I had a rogue apple tree in my back yard in New Kensington, PA which legend has it was planted by the one and only Johnny Appleseed?), Obama will spread oak trees by planting acorns. Why Republicans are against spending 5 billion dollars for new oak trees is a puzzle to me! Its not as if oak trees can vote democrat, for gosh sakes!,0,4394503.story

It just keeps getting better and better! It turns out that President Obama will be rooting for the Steelers, a team that believes in the old school fundamentals of hard work, long practices, no excuses for defeat, pride in victory, long term committments, and the rugged individualism that built our country. The Steelers were immortalized in the Charlie Daniel's song touting the strength and resistance of Americans to foreign intervention and terrorism. However, since Obama has ended the war on terror, we need not think of the Steelers and their fans in that way anymore. Steeler fans can now drink lattes! Hooray for Obama!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Peace in the Middle East is at hand, thanks to President Obama! Unlike everyone else, Obama will listen to what the Muslims want. In return, they undoubtedly will be reasonable in their requests. What a great world we live in now thanks to the new President. He makes it all look so easy! Why has no one done this before?

Thank goodness President Obama is not going to compromise with the Republicans who want to give tax refunds only to those who pay taxes. Where would the fairness be in that? He also did something that I do not understand. He agreed to withdraw a request for 200 million dollars for contraception for poor families. Think about it. If every poor woman took the free contraceptives we would soon have no more poor people! This just shows the mean spiritedness of the Republicans who want there always to be poor people, while Obama wants to eliminate the poor. I think President Obama should have stood his ground.

Monday, January 26, 2009


The global climate change from carbon dioxide will span 1000 years, maybe longer. Thankfully, President Obama has launched a new initiative to find ways to lower carbon emissions from cars. Hundreds of years from now, people will still be praising Obama for his foresight! His fame will span the centuries as it now spans the globe! Why has no one before seen and acted upon the impending climatological crisis that will imprison at least 50 future generations in a hot, dry world? His fame will know no end!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today, President Obama rested. And it was the evening and morning of the Sixth Day.


Under President Obama, the government will donate 850 Billion dollars to us, the people! Wow! We sure needed that!

Some will go for public works projects. This is wonderful, since many times when I drive past highway construction sites I see many workers just standing around while only a few, if any, are working. Now, we will be able to get more of them to be working.

Some will go to schools. This is important since we all know that the more money we give to education, the smarter will be our children.

All of this will happen with almost all Americans getting a tax cut. I never knew that Uncle Sam had so much money. Thanks to President Obama, we will all get more money held back from us by all the prior presidents.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Paraplegics soon to walk, thanks to President Obama. FDA approves use of fetal stem cells for human trial. Depending on the news channel, this is either due to prior efforts before 1.20.09 or is due entirely to the new Obama view on unfettered science. We will accept only the latter view!

US to fund abortions world-wide. President Obama signs executive order. Ed: Freakanomics suggested that abortions reduced crime in America. Will world-wide abortions decrease terrorism? Hooray for Obama!!


More info on Gitmo closing. Hillary Clinton becomes Sec of State. White House salaries frozen and new regulations concerning lobbyists.


Obama stops the trials at Guantanamo as a prelude to closing the base.


He becomes President. 'nuff said.


In this world of confusion, stress and disorder, President Obama has come to help us. He will change our world. It is the beginning of a new day. Come explore the wonders of the Obama Presidency! Nothing is impossible now!