Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Race Begins

It is time to begin blogging again. The right wing media and the denizens of the right are trying to limit our great and wonderful president to one term. We will not let that happen!

Obama will visit the New Mexico oil fields tomorrow. Those evil oil barons are trying to get our President to deny protection to the dunes sagebrush lizard, which as anyone knows, is a valuable creature on the planet earth. Why anyone would want to kill lizards that taste as good as chicken just doesn't make sense.

Further, these people want President Obama to increase funding of the Bureau of Land Management so that they will have the personnel to process drilling permits. Now, that is just plain crazy! Increased drilling would just lead to depleting our resources when all we really need to do is to tax the rich and use that money to dredge up seaweed and burn that in our cars. We need to leave stuff for our children such as gas in the ground and debt in the treasury.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's all Bush's Fault!



The economy is in bad shape, but the only person who can possibly be responsible is George W. Bush! 51% of the American Public can't be wrong! Unless it is 79% of the American Public who think Obama isn't doing a great job, in which case they are wrong!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hey boys and girls, I'm baa(rr)ackkk

Time to resume posting on this site. Too many people are picking on the wonderful and mighty Barack.


Just because our President wants to get lots of money to campaign, wants to celebrate his birthday with people who will give him millions doesn't make him any different than anyone else. Would you spend your birthday with poor relatives when some rich people could give you tons of cash? Wouldn't that be much more fun?

Given the chance to spend your birthday with the wealthiest 1% of Americans, wouldn't you do that?

And Mr. Obama is proving his point. If the wealthiest Americans have so much money that they can throw millions at our President's feet, then they clearly have plenty extra that we can take in taxes. Hooray for Obama!

Thursday, February 12, 2009



Another ungrateful Republican has betrayed our great President Obama. It was Gregg's job to oversee the Census as Commerce Secretary (with the help and guidance of the White House). Obviously, Gregg thought he was so wonderful that he didn't need President Obama's help to do the census. Now, that is just silly! How can he possibly count all the people without President Obama making sure that everyone is counted. If you doubt that our President can attend to all his duties and also make sure that everyone is counted properly, I have one thing to say to you: Yes He Can!!!!! The census is the most important issue facing us at this time! Except for the economy. And the war in Iraq. And the war in Afghanistan. And the crisis in Iran. And North Korea. And the Middle East. And finding a few good people to be in the cabinet. And the housing crisis. And Wall Street. And consumer confidence. And energy independence. And health care. And the auto industry. And a woman with octuplets.

Well, now that we are rid of that Republican, we can get a democrat in that position and we won't need the White House to oversee the census. I think this was part of our great President's secret plan. Hooray for Obama!



Say it isn't so! Oh no! Why aren't the members of the House and Senate listening to our great President Obama? He said the bill was good and trying to improve it would be wrong. It needed to be passed. It had no pork! And now, look what is happening! The members of the Senate and House are working to change this fine bill! Why won't they listen to our President? It is now down to $789 Billion. Where did the other $100 Billion go? As the original bill had no pork in it, we have had a loss of a large component of the wonderful and good that could have been done. How dare these legislators mess with something so good as the bill that President Obama wanted them to pass!

Now, when the stimulus package gets passed and doesn't work as expected, we can only blame the senators and congressmen. It won't be the fault of our great President Obama. He did his best, but could not stop them from messing it up! We will need more from the government. More billions. Please, President Obama. I do have a bedroom and a bathroom, but I need more! I know if you were here you would hug me! Hooray for Obama!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Now that it looks like we will have the stimulus package, I thought I would check and see how it will effect our country. You cannot spend money without having money, so the government will have to have 1 trillion dollars to spend. It costs 6 cents to print a one dollar bill, so the total cost to print one trillion dollars will be $60,000,000,000.00


This is the company that makes the cloth from which money is printed. They have 1300 employees and make 356 million dollars/yr, or $273,000 per employee.

As I see it, Crane & Co. will have a good year this next year. This Massachusetts based company will clearly benefit from the stimulus package! Hooray for Obama!

Monday, February 9, 2009


I am suspending posting on this blog until I find out if I will be one of the chosen ones to get mucho dinero from the trillion dollar stimulus package. I ask for little. I would settle for 1 millionth of the package. That tiny amount is all I ask for. Please, Mr. President!!!